I do believe I have voted on each issue of CH since it started. I love the series. Origanal, you're humor is great and your style is simple and effective, very idividual.
As far as this Episode goes... I was a bit disapointed... The Pun-issuer was probably the most creative villan ever... but then you went to this, some gay charicter. Putting a gay tone of voice with that guy really didn't make me laugh, barly anyone does. I would recomend trying to stear away from that cheep forum of comedy (it's almost as bad as vulger adult jokes)... but that's just what I would recomend, you didn't really do anything wrong, it just kinda let me down a little.
It didn't make sence why pun-issuer was hanging out with the fireman, it might have just been the style of randomness... but it would'a been cool if there was a reason he was there.
All in all, good toon--Keep 'em comin', Rockithon
~!<ev (indeed)